BAB 075 | How to Build Your Confidence in 30 Seconds

BAB 075 | How to Build Your Confidence in 30 Seconds

I’m relatively small physically in comparison to the other muscle-bound men at my gym. Yes, I’m 6’1″, but the other guys have 50 pounds of muscle on me. Yet, I carry a stature that makes me one of the biggest guys in the gym.

How we carry ourselves, goes a lot further than physical presents. Look around you the next time you are in a public setting and acknowledge those you recognize first. They, whether men or women, are usually smiling, tall proper posture, engaged, and eye’s up. The smallest person in the room usually has drooping shoulders or poor posture, head down, make little if any eye contact.

I bring this up because of confidence. Not in regards to talking to the girl three tables over that you have been eyeing. I mean confidence wherever you go and whomever you are with. When you walk in the door, how you can command the attention of everyone there.

In Episode 75 of The Become a Beast Podcast, I provide some tips for becoming the biggest person in the gym or any room you enter and how that will breed success in a multitude of ways.

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