BAB 028: 3 Fitness Idols and How They Can Help You Achieve Your Fitness Goals

BAB 028: 3 Fitness Idols and How They Can Help You Achieve Your Fitness Goals

In Episode 28 of The Become a Beast Podcast, I discuss the three fitness idols that I look up to and how they can help you achieve more of your own fitness goals.

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Everyone will have their one fitness idols and I encourage you to find your own, but the three I present in this podcast are quite talented men.

# 3 – Elliott Hulse – (YouTube) – I have only been following Hulse for 6 months, but quite the impression he has had on me. There are those trainers who know the minimum and then there’s Elliott. Hulse has what seems to be an endless wealth of knowledge on fitness and the human body. Even better, he is laid back, to the point, and honest.

# 2 – David Goggins – (Wiki) – Goggins is a straight-up badass. He hates running, but he does it so that he can raise money for the families of fellow fallen soldiers to the tune of over $200k. When he wanted to run the Badwater 135 miler, he called the race coordinator who said he had to run a 100 mile race first. He finished a 100 miler in 19 hours, called the Badwater race coordinator, who asked why he stopped at 100 since it was a 24 hour race, and Goggins said, “Cause that’s all you told me I had to run.” Also, he is the only person to complete Navy SEALS “Hell Week” three times.

# 1 – Dean Karnazes – (50/50, Ultramarathon Man, Website) – This dude is awesome and has the best story. I don’t want to dive too far into his story (read: Ultramarathon Man), but he pretty much goes from drinking his 30th birthday party away to running 30 miles that night and changing his life for the better. He has run 350 miles without sleep, ran 50 marathons in 50 consecutive days in 50 states.I had the honor of meeting him in 2008 and he is who I aspire to be when I am his age.

Hope you enjoy these three fitness idols. Share your fitness idols in the comments below.

Have a good one Beast Squad!

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